On May 26, the International Media Group «Rossiya Segodnya» organized a round table «National Health. Medical Education in 2023». OSMU was represented by Prof. Maria A. LIVZAN, OSMU Rector, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The event was attended by Lyudmila I. LETNIKOVA, Director of the Department of Medical Education and HR in Healthcare of the Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federation; Petr V. GLYBOCHKO, Rector of Sechenov University; Oleg O. YANUSHEVICH, Rector of A.I. Yevdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry; Ivan M. PETROV, Rector of Tyumen State Medical University; Andrey V. EREMIN, Rector of Saratov State Medical University.
Lyudmila I. LETNIKOVA has noted that medical universities will accept more than 33 thousand students and more than 20 thousand residents.
- Keeping good traditions, we accept the changes in modern medical education. We adopt new educational formats, including e-learning, - said Petr V. GLYBOCHKO.
- The pandemic has changed the public perception of a doctor. The world saw the significance of the medical community, and many young people wanted to become a part of it, - noted Oleg O. YANUSHEVICH.
- In order to provide the healthcare system with highly qualified specialists, we promote our career guidance campaign. In addition to training courses for applicants and specialized classes, we launched the «Precision Start» project, which aims to provide qualified doctors in rural areas of the Omsk Region. As part of this project, high school students can attend intensive courses at our University, and visit OSMU museums, and hospitals, - said Maria A. LIVZAN.
In her speech, Maria A. LIVZAN noted the importance of contract education, when a future specialist studies at government expense in return for working at a state hospital. She also emphasized that both practical training and research activity form an educational process for high-level specialists.
The participants have expressed their gratitude to the OSMU Rector for an interesting presentation on modern education in medicine.
OSMU Press Center