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National Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference «Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Clinical and Laboratory Concilium»

On April 4-5, 2023, Omsk State Medical University hosted a major scientific event - National Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference «Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Clinical and Laboratory Concilium» commemorating the 100th anniversary of birth of Professor Klara N. Gruzdeva.
Professor Klara N. Gruzdeva (1923-2007), MD, PhD, was the graduate of the Omsk State Medical Institution (1946), Head of the Biochemistry Department of OSMI (1965-1986), Professor of the Biochemistry Department of OSMI and OSMA (1987-1996).  During the Great Patriotic War, she started teaching biochemistry, eventually organized and headed the Omsk branch of the National Biochemical Society of the USSR, for many years she was a member of the board of the Association of Biochemists of the Urals, the Volga Region and Western Siberia.
The conference was organized with the support of the Association of Laboratory Service Specialists and Organizations "Federation of Laboratory Medicine", National Public Organization "Russian Society for the Prevention of Noncommunicable Diseases", the Ministry of Health of the Omsk Region, Omsk State Medical University, the Omsk Regional Public Organization "Association of Laboratory Service Specialists". The key topic of the Conference was the search for ways to ensure the efficiency of the integrated use of modern approaches to clinical and laboratory medicine, based on the achievements of fundamental sciences. Over two days, the event was attended by more than four hundred people, bringing together three hundred and sixty listeners, including two hundred and sixty doctors, 5th- and 6th-year students of the General Medicine Faculty, and residents.
The Forum was focused on topical issues and achievements in modern clinical laboratory diagnostics, bacteriology, internal diseases, gastroenterology, and cardiology.  The competition of student scientific works "Clinical biochemistry in modern gastroenterology: from laboratory technologies to clinical diagnostics" was held within the frameworks of the event.
The main program of the conference included fifty two lectures and reports by specialists from fourteen cities of Russia, reflecting various fields and achievements of medical science and practice. During the four symposiums of the Forum, a satellite section, and a round table, the most important problems of medical microbiology and immunology, the possibilities of molecular biological, biochemical, chemical-microscopic, and a number of high-tech laboratory research methods for medical science and practice were discussed. Among the speakers were the main specialists of the federal and regional levels, leading employees of scientific and practical medical organizations, specialized specialists in various fields of medical knowledge, healthcare organizers. Besides OSMU employees, the listeners get acquainted with the reports presented by the following specialists: Prof. Dina M. HIKULINA, Head of the Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics Department of Astrakhan State Medical University, Prof. Viktor N. MESHCHANINOV, Head of the Biochemistry Department of Ural State Medical University, Head of the Laboratory for Anti-aging Technologies, Deputy Chief Physician for Medical Affairs of the Institute of Medical Cell Technologies (Ekaterinburg), Natalia Yu. CHERNYSH, Prof. Assoc. of the Laboratory Medicine and Genetics Department of Almazov National Medical Research Centre, Chief External Specialist in Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics of the Northwestern Federal District (St. Petersburg), Elene E. BELSKAYA, Head of the Quality Control Division, Deputy Chief Physician for Examination of Temporary Disability of the Out-Patient Clinic №21, Prof. Asst. of the Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics Department of Kazan State Medical Academy, Prof. Tatiana I. DOLGIKH, Head of the Medical Microbiology and Laboratory Medicine Department of Penza Institute for Postgraduate Medical Education, Expert of the "Federation of Laboratory Medicine" Association.
The plenary session of the Conference was chaired by Prof. Maria A. LIVZAN, MD, PhD, Rector of OSMU, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The welcoming words were delivered by Maria A. LIVZAN and Prof. Oksana M. DRAPKINA, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the National Medical Research Center for Internal Diseases and Preventive Medicine, Chief External Specialist in Internal Diseases and General Practice of the Ministry of Health of Russia. The speeches by Maria A. LIVZAN, Prof. Valery E. VYSOKOGORSKY, Honoured Worker of Higher Professional Education of Russia, Honorary Professor of the Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics (Postgraduate Course) Department of OSMU, and Prof. Felix Kh. KAMILOV, Honored Scientist of Russia, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of Bashkortostan (Ufa) introduced the information about biography, research and teaching activities of Prof. Klara N. Gruzdeva, her students and followers.
The following topics were highlighted in the reports of OSMU scientists:
- clinical assessment of the use of serological markers for the diagnosis and monitoring of coeliac disease, wheat allergy and gluten sensitivity not associated with celiac disease, and the use of laboratory and medical approaches to biomarker diagnostics (Maria A. LIVZAN)
- possibilities for predicting the severity of the course and complications using biochemical parameters in patients with connective tissue dysplasia (Prof. Inna A. VIKTOROVA, Head of the Internal Medicine (Out-Patient Setting) Department, Chief External Specialist in Internal Diseases and General Practice of the Ministry of Health of the Omsk Region).
- features and possibilities of laboratory diagnosis in gastroenterology (Sergey I. MOZGOVOY, Prof. of the Morbid Anatomy Department, Natalia L. SAMUSEVA, Prof. Assoc. of the Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics (Postgraduate Course) Department, laboratory diagnostics doctor of the Diagnostic Laboratory, Galia R. BIKBAVOVA, Prof. Assoc. of the Internal Medicine (Advanced Course) and Endocrinology Department, Head of the Department for Innovative Projects, Research & Development, gastroenterologist of the Diagnostic Laboratory, Tatiana S, KROLEVETS, Prof. Assoc. of the Internal Medicine (Intermediate Level) and Gastroenterology Department, gastroenterologist of the Diagnostic Laboratory, and Olga V. GAUS, Prof. Assoc. of the Internal Medicine (Intermediate Level) and Gastroenterology Department, Head of the Department of Medical Affairs and Regional Public Health Issues, gastroenterologist of the Diagnostic Laboratory)
- laboratory and medical aspects of epidemiology (Natalia G. SHIRLINA, Prof. Assoc. of the Epidemiology Department, Deputy Dean of the Preventive Medicine Department, and Elena A. VILMS, Prof. Assoc. of the Epidemiology Department)
- proprietary luminescent-microscopic research technique created at OSMU (Dmitry G. NOVIKOV, Prof. Assoc. of the Biochemistry Department, Head of the Research Laboratory of OSMU).
The Conference ended with a report «Key problems and ways to improve the clinical and laboratory Concilium» by Anton V. INDUTNY, Head of the Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics (Postgraduate Course) Department, Chief Medical Officer of the Diagnostic Laboratory, Chairman of the Board of the Omsk Region Association of Laboratory Medicine Specialists. In his speech, he outlined the basic tasks and ways to ensure effective interaction between the laboratory and the practicing doctor, analyzed the fundamental principles of current professional standards, labor functions and competencies that a laboratory medicine specialist should have in the framework of advising clinical specialists and patients in laboratory medicine. He also offered recommendations on the organization of rational interaction between the laboratory and the clinic in a hospital environment.
According to the Forum participants, the Conference and similar events can be considered as one of the promising tools for creating conditions for the formation of an integrated professional information space - the foundation for successful interactions between the laboratory and the practicing doctor during the treatment and diagnosis process.
OSMU Press Center