On October 3-4, 2024, the National Scientific Conference “Public Health and Health Care of the Omsk Region: 100 Years of Health Care” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Department of Public Health and Healthcare Management of OSMU was held online gathering together participants from the leading universities of Russia and Kazakhstan.
The welcoming words were delivered by A.S. KOLCHIN, MD, PhD, Vice-Rector for Postgraduate Education, and O.V.MIGUNOVA, MD, PhD, Head of the Department of Strategic Development and Healthcare Reorganization of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Omsk Region.
The practical part of the Conference started with the report by Assoc. Prof. Oksana A. PASECHNIK, MD, PhD, Head of the Department of Public Health and Healthcare Management of OSMU, dedicated to the 100-year history of the establishment, achievements, and development prospects of the above-mentioned department.
The other performances were delivered by the leading specialists in various fields of medicine from different regions of Russia and Kazakhstan and covered the topics of the assessment of current model of primary prevention of non-communicable diseases, state of childhood disability due to mental disorders and approaches to the organization of medical neurorehabilitation, the use of organizational and preventive measures aimed at reducing the occupational risks accompanying the work of medical workers, the assessment of the activities of the emergency medical service and the results of the developed organizational measures during the period of active spread of COVID-19 in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, etc.
Our colleagues from the North Kazakhstan regional branch of the Salidat Kairbekova National Research Center for Health Development, S.Yu. SHERSTUK and E.S. LAGUTSEVA, who graduated OSMU Master’s Programme in the field of Public Health, also took part in the Conference.
The special interest was paid to the report by S.V. SOKOLOV, Asst. Prof. of the Department of Public Health and Healthcare Management (Novosibirsk State Medical University), about “Process Factory” as a form of training medical personnel in new technologies.
Over the two days of the conference, 32 reports were presented on the most topical issues of modern healthcare, as well as the system of higher medical education.
The conference ended with a summary of the results of the poster presentation competition for young scientists and students.