National Scientific Conference with International Participation «Siberian Medicine», timed to the Centenary of West-Siberian Medical Center of Federal Medical-Biological Agency (FMBA), took place on April 22-23. The Conference was organized by OSMU, FMBA, Russian Scientific Society of GPs, Omsk Society of Cardiologists, Ministry of Public Health of the Omsk Region, West-Siberian Medical Center of FMBA.
The welcoming speech was delivered by Anatoliy I. MARTYNOV, MD, PhD, Academician of the Russian Academy of Science, Prof. of the Department of Internal Medicine (Advanced Level) of Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, President of Russian Scientific Society of GPs. He noted that a doctor’s duty is to constantly improve knowledge in order to serve medicine. Professor also pointed out the rich and interesting program of the Conference and the geographical diversity of participants.
– West-Siberian Medical Center is the oldest clinical base of our University. I hope that each participant will gain a lot of useful information from the presented reports! – said Prof. Maria A. LIVZAN, MD, PhD, OSMU Rector, Chief External Specialist in Internal Diseases in Siberian Federal District.
– Last year was marked by OSMU Centenary, and now it is our turn to celebrate this wonderful date! The collaboration of our Medical Center and OSMU leads to an improvement of health care, and we are very proud of it – said Prof. Vladimir Yu. SHUTOV, MD, PhD, Director of West-Siberian Medical Center, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation.
– This year, a large number of reports is to be presented by staff of West-Siberian Medical Center. This shows a high qualification level of doctors of the Center! – noted Prof. Assoc. Inna V. DRUK, MD, PhD, Head of the Department of Internal Medicine and Family Medicine (Postgraduate Course).
The online format of the event brought together specialists from different Russian cities, including Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk, Stavropol, Tomsk, Yekaterinburg, Voronezh, Khanty-Mansiysk, Tyumen, and Novosibirsk. Several reports were presented by researchers from Minsk (Belarus). The participants heard 14 reports on the first day and 38 on the second day of the Conference.
The program of the first day focused on burning issues of gastroenterology, pulmonology and immunology. On the second day, the Conference took place in a mixed format: online and offline. On-site participants heard reports in the following sections: «Up-to-date Primary and Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases», «Risk Stratification and Modern Treatment of Patients with Cardiovascular Pathology» and «Selected Issues of Diagnostics and Treatment of Joint Pathology». Three other sections, including «Burning Issues of Neurology», «Burning Issues of Endocrinology» and «Current Problems of Biliary System Surgery», took place via virtual platform. The greatest number of reports were presented by OSMU staff.
Two days of intense work proved the relevancy of the presented reports. The participants of the Conference have seen how the progress of medicine is closely related to implementation of technologies and the development of research.
OSMU Press Center