National Scientific e-Conference «Best Clinical Case 2021»
On December 6, 2021, Omsk State Medical University hosted the National Scientific e-Conference «Best Clinical Case 2021» for residents and young doctors with up to 3 years of work experience, organized by the Scientific Society of Students and Young Researchers and the Department of Dentistry (Postgraduate Course). The event was attended by representatives of 10 Medical Universities and Research Institutes from 5 Federal Districts of the Russian Federation (Central, Volga, Northwestern, Urals, and Siberian).
The Conference was aimed at unleashing research potential, forming conditions for innovative activities in various fields of dentistry and maxillofacial surgery; supporting young scientists and teachers at Medical Universities, attracting them to manage scientific work.
The competition for the best research of residents and young doctors with up to 3 years of work experience was held in the following areas: «Surgical Dentistry», «Preventive Dentistry», «Orthopedic Dentistry», «Pediatric Dentistry», «Maxillofacial Surgery», «Orthodontics».
Solemn speeches were made by Prof. Maria A. LIVZAN, OSMU Rector, Prof. Andrey V. PISKLAKOV, Vice-Rector for Research, Prof. Assoc. Tatiana P. KHRAMYKH, Head of the Scientific Society for Students and Young Researchers, Prof. Assoc. Elmira Sh. GRIGOROVICH, Chairperson of the Organizing Committee, Head of the Department of Dentistry (Postgraduate Course), Prof. Vladimir D. VAGNER, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Co-Chairperson of the Organizing Committee, Head of the Department of Dental Service Organization, Licensing and Accreditation of the Research Center of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery (Moscow). Members of the Organizing Committee expressed their gratitude to Rectors of the Universities and supervisors of the contestants for their active participation and wished everyone fruitful work.
After the opening ceremony participants watched a film dedicated to the OSMU Centenary «The Art of Preserving Life», and a video «Life at Omsk State Medical University through the eyes of a student of the Faculty of Dentistry» by Anna P. SKURIKHINA, a 4th-year student of the Faculty of Dentistry.
Young specialists shared with the audience their interesting clinical observations from various fields of dentistry. Several reports covered the multidisciplinary approach to the diagnosis and treatment of combined maxillofacial diseases. Elmira Sh. GRIGOROVICH thanked the speakers for their excellent reports, deep knowledge and detailed answers to questions.
All participants have been granted with commemorative gifts. According to the decision of the Organizing Committee and moderators, competitors were awarded in different categories as follows:
«Dental implantation in complex anatomical conditions»
I Degree Diploma – Alena O. IVANOVA (A.I. Yevdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry)
I Degree Diploma – Vladislav A. YAKOVLEV, Vladimir Yu. VAVAKIN (Omsk State Medical University)
II Degree Diploma – Kirill A. MOSHCHENKII (Omsk State Medical University)
III Degree Diploma – Adel T. NURAKHMETOVA (Omsk State Medical University)
«Maxillofacial Surgery»
I Degree Diploma – Konstantin A. FEFELOV (Altai State Medical University)
II Degree Diploma – Denis V. ERMAKOV (Tyumen State Medical University)
III Degree Diploma – Ilya A. SHTOL (Dental Clinic «Centrodent», Kaliningrad)
«Periodontics and Orthodontics»
I Degree Diploma – Nadezhda V. GRECHUKHINA (A.I. Yevdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry)
II Degree Diploma – Elena S. BAGALEI (Omsk State Medical University)
III Degree Diploma – Veronika O. SURKOVA (Samara State Medical University)
III Degree Diploma – Andrey D. KHOMUTOV, Alexey S. SHATALOV (Omsk State Medical University)
«Dental and somatic pathology comorbidity»
I Degree Diploma – Olga A. AFAUNOVA (A.I. Yevdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry)
II Degree Diploma – Alexander A. BARABANOV (Omsk State Medical University)
III Degree Diploma – Vladislav S. LUSENKO (Omsk State Medical University)
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