From June 21 to June 23, 2023, Svetlana A. PISKLAKOVA, the Head of the International Affairs Department, and Prof. Assoc. Elena A. LUKSHA, PhD in Pharmacy, Dean of the Pharmacy Faculty, visited the Faculty of Medicine of Osh State University (Kyrgyzstan) to strengthen international cooperation and within the framework of an agreement on a network form for the implementation of educational programs in Pharmacology. The date of the visit was not chosen by chance: it was timed to coincide with the International Scientific-Practical Conference "Integration of Theory, Education and Science with Applied Medicine'' dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Faculty of Medicine of Osh State University, as well as dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Prof. Zholbors Zh. ZHEENBAEV - the first Dean of the Faculty of Medicine.
In the framework of the Conference, the guests attended the Grand Opening and the Plenary meeting and also took part in the work of the scientific sections of the Conference. The international status of the conference determined the vast geography of participants and it was nice to realize that representatives of many medical universities in Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan expressed their intention to cooperate with OSMU.
OSMU delegation also took a tour of the Faculty of Medicine. During the tour, guests were shown a modern campus, a University Clinic, and classrooms of the International Faculty and Morphological Building. Teachers of Osh State University demonstrated the capabilities of DIMEDUS - a software and platform for distance learning and full-time medical education.
The most important results of the visit were the establishment of contacts, personal acquaintance with staff and teachers, and discussion of the details of online learning for students.
Summing up the results of the visit, both sides expressed their interest in the active implementation of the plans and long-term cooperation.
OSMU Press Center