Alexander L. BURKOV, Governor of the Omsk Region, congratulated young scientists of the Omsk Region and granted them the Omsk Region Awards 2020.
The following young scientists of OSMU were among the laureates:
Tatiana S. KROLEVETS, MD, PhD, Department of Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology, and Pavel A. ERMOLAEV, MD, PhD, Department of Topographic Anatomy and Operative Surgery.
They both have academic degrees and their own scientific works, and they are successfully carrying out research in the fields chosen. The experts of the Competition Committee highly appreciated the relevance of the projects presented by the applicants highlighting their applicable value for the scientific and technological development of the region
During the meeting Alexander L. BURKOV discussed with the Laureates 2020 the most significant scientific areas for the Omsk Region required further development and improvement, including current achievements of your scientists.
OSMU Press Center