On July 22, 2021, a solemn opening of the Library in Memory of Prof. Petr I. IVASENKOV, MD, PhD, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, took place at the Omsk Clinical Dental Clinics №1.
The Library was opened on the initiative of Andrey S. KORSHUNOV, Prof. Asst. of the OSMU Department of Dentistry (Postgraduate Course), Head of the Department of General Dentistry at the Omsk Clinical Dental Clinics №1, aimed at attracting the younger generation of dentists to the works of the coryphaeus of the glorious Omsk dentistry school.
The Library has more than 1,500 books on various areas of dentistry and related specialties, including human and morbid anatomy, histology, cytology, embryology, topographic anatomy, operative surgery, internal medicine, infectious diseases, surgical diseases, general surgery, pharmacology, and clinical pharmacology.
The daughter of Professor Ivasenkov, Olga P. ZAKHAROVA, Chief Medical Director of the Omsk Clinical Dental Clinics №1, Excellent Worker of Public Health, a dentist of the highest qualification, has participated in the solemn opening ceremony to present invaluable books and scientific works of the maestro to the Library.
«We are very grateful to you for entrusting the scientific works of Professor Ivasenkov, the result of many years of study, analysis of current information in the field of dentistry. The impressive wealth of experience and knowledge he has accumulated over the years of his professional life is now available to students and doctors. Professor Ivasenkov was a unique person both in personal life and in professional matters. His work became the fundamental of modern dentistry and therefore is still relevant today. The dental community will be eternally grateful to Professor Ivasenkov for his work. For my part, I promise not only to preserve the existing collection but also to enrich it with new materials and scientific journals. We are very glad that today we can already get acquainted with the colossal experience from the Great Patriotic War period and publications of all areas of dentistry and related specialties» - said Andrey S. Korshunov to Olga P. Zakharova.
Curriculum vitae: Prof. Petr I. IVASENKO, MD, PhD, born on September 27, 1938. Author of 6 monographs, 267 works on various topics of dental surgery and maxillofacial surgery. In 1962, he successfully graduated from the OSMU Faculty of Dentistry and later enrolled in the residency at the OSMU Department of Dental Surgery. Over the years of study and clinical practice, Professor Ivasenko has developed into an excellent specialist with a large arsenal of manual skills. The materials of his PhD thesis remain the fundamental for the diagnosis and treatment of various forms of chronic sialoadenitis throughout the Russian Federation. From 1990 to 2008, he was the Head of the OSMU Department of Dental Surgery. During that period, the Department was actively developing, engaging in research in dental surgery and maxillofacial surgery.
Prof. Ivasenko was a Member of the Academic Council and Council of the Dentistry Faculty; a Deputy Chairman of the OSMU Dissertation Council; a Member of the Omsk Dental Association. For his high professional achievements and active social work, his name was marked on the OSMU Honor Board. He was twice awarded the Winner of the Socialist Competition Order, Diploma of the Administration of the city of Omsk, Diploma of the Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federation, First Class and Second Class Orders of Merit in Dentistry. His name appears in the encyclopedia "Contemporary Intellectual Potential of Russia", published in 1997, and the National encyclopedia "The Best People of Russia", published in 2003.
Prof. Peter I. Ivasenko passed away on August 3, 2014.
OSMU Press Center