On September 15, 2023, the OSMU delegation represented by Prof. Elena B. PAVLINOVA, MD, PhD, Head of the OSMU Department of Pediatrics (Advanced Course), Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, and Inna A. LAVRINENKO, MD, PhD, Prof. Assoc. of the Department of Medical Rehabilitation (Postgraduate Course), became honored guests and participants of the III International Summit Forum “One Belt and One Road”, which took place in Urumqi, China.
The purpose of the Forum is to exchange ideas on the latest scientific achievements and research in the field of higher education, as well as to establish an exchange of experience between scientists in the future.
The OSMU delegation took part in the part of the forum dedicated to higher medical education and scientific and technical innovations, during which issues related to medical education, the use of innovative methods, and the system of scientific and methodological support for the professional development of medical personnel were highlighted. The prospects for scientific and educational cooperation between medical universities and educational organizations in Asian countries were discussed to transmit the best scientific and educational practices.
Prof. Elena B. PAVLINOVA made a report entitled “An Open Model of Medical Education at OSMU: Achievements and Prospects.”
During the visit, OSMU delegation had the opportunity to get acquainted with the organization of the educational process at Xinjiang Medical University, visit classrooms, the library and reading rooms, the museum of the Department of Pharmacology, the university clinic, and also see with their own eyes the use of various techniques and methods of traditional Chinese medicine.
Prof. Elena B. PAVLINOVA and Inna A. LAVRINENKO, in turn, spoke about the organization of the educational process at OSMU, as well as about the Department of Medical Rehabilitation (Postgraduate Course), the educational process, and the main scientific interests and directions.
We thank our colleagues from Xinjiang Medical University for the excellent organization and rich program throughout the visit of the OSMU delegation to Urumqi.