World Heart Day is observed on September 29. OSMU Employees took part in the press conference timed to this event.
Patients with cardiovascular diseases were recommended to get vaccinated against COVID-19 urgently. According to doctors, it will help to prevent death and reduce the risk of complications in case of infection. «Patients with cardiovascular diseases have no contraindications to vaccination except for exacerbation of the chronic disease. Such people should get vaccinated the sooner, the better» - explained Olga Yu. KORENNOVA, Acting Chief Doctor of the Clinical Cardiology Center, Professor of the Internal Medicine and Family Medicine (Postgraduate Course) Department.
As for patients who already experienced moderate or severe disease, they should remember about post-COVID complications. They include increased blood pressure and the development of arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and thrombotic complications. According to Nikolai A. NIKOLAEV, MD, PhD, Vice-Rector for Medical Activities and Regional Public Health Issues, Professor of the Internal Diseases (intermediate level) and Gastroenterology Department, new programs of thorough medical checkups of post-COVID patients have been developed. To undergo this examination, patients should first visit the Out-Patient Clinic.
The experts mentioned that generally, 98% of patients experience the post-COVID syndrome. They face work decrement, poor attention, increased forgetfulness, and a high probability of cardiovascular diseases progression.
As for cardiovascular diseases prevention, cardiologists advise to regularly measure blood pressure (a normal blood pressure level is less than 120/80 mmHg), move more and eat less, limit salt intake.
OSMU Press Center