3rd International Forum of AntiCoagulant & antiplatelet Therapy 2018 (FACTplus2018) which is dedicated to the promotion of professional care to patients with thromboembolic complications took place in Moscow on March 22-24, 2018.
Contest for young scientists was held in the frame of the Forum, 13 teams took part in the qualifying stage, but only 6 teams got into the final: Samara, Yekaterinburg, Moscow, Arkhangelsk, Omsk and St. Petersburg. Team from Samara won the contest, they were closest to the right solution of the complicated task on a real clinical case, the second place took the team from Arkhangelsk, and the third place was after the team from Omsk. It was a very dynamic and fascinating event in the style of the TV game “Your own game”.

We congratulate OSMU team “Tromba.net” on taking the third place in the 3rd International Forum of AntiCoagulant & antiplatelet Therapy 2018 (FACTplus2018).
Participants from OSMU:
Aisha Ibragimova – a resident at the Department of Internal Diseases and Family Medicine for Advanced Professional Training;
Mulaim Ibragimova – a resident at the Department of Oncology, Radiation Therapy for Advanced Professional Training;
Yulia Skirdenko – Assistant at the Department of Intermediate Level Therapy, Occupational Diseases;
Anastasia Martynenko – a resident at the Department of Internal Diseases and Family Medicine for Advanced Professional Training;
Maxim Denisov - a six-year student of the General Medicine Faculty.