On September 9, a project of «Siberian Help» representatives, Alexander GORBENKO and Kirill ANDREEV, the residents of the Department of Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology under supervision of Anastasia V. NELIDOVA, Associate Professor of the Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases Department, were awarded by Rosmolodezh grant.
The social project «Everyone Can Save a Life!» aims at raising awareness and reducing mortality from a sudden cardiac arrest. During this academic year, the task group will teach more than five hundred Omsk schoolchildren to the basic CPR skills in case of sudden cardiac arrest. It has been chosen because each five hundredth person of the working-age population in Russia dies from sudden cardiac arrest. The situation is potentially reversible and a person’s life depends on the skills and knowledge of the people around.
The project team includes students and residents of OSMU: Nikolai Chelyshev, Andrei Loktev, Kristina Kasheva, Alina Klaus, Ekaterina Andreeva and Gennadii Sidorov.
The grant will be implemented by OSMU, Lyceum №25, Lyceum №64, Lyceum №66, Lyceum №92 and National Resuscitation Council.
OSMU Press Center