On October 21-22, Genomic Odyssey Festival, a series of lectures aimed at improving genetic literacy, promoting the achievements of Russian scientists in the field of life sciences and attracting young people to the field of biomedical and genomic technologies, was held in Omsk. OSMU scientists talked about complex scientific concepts of genomics in an accessible and understandable way, helping the gathered audience to learn genetic information about themselves and how to use it to improve the quality of life.
The first day of the Festival took place in Omsk State Technical University. The speakers of the event were Assoc. Prof. Olga V. GAUS, MD, PhD, Prof. of the Department of Internal Medicine (Intermediate Level) and Gastroenterology, chief external specialist in medical and Pharmaceutical education of the Ministry of Health of the Omsk region, and Maria N. PARYGINA, MD, PhD, Assoc. Prof. of Morbid Anatomy Department. The topic "Genetics and nutrition", presented by Olga V. GAUSS, allowed the audience to learn how the nutrition system affects gene expression and how genetic predisposition affects the absorption of nutrients. Maria N. PARYGINA spoke about the role of genetics in the development of stomach cancer, which is one of the most common causes of cancer mortality in Russia and in the world.
The second day of the Festival took place at the Boiling Point - Omsk. Elena V. NADEY, MD, PhD, Assoc. Prof. of Internal and Family Medicine, including Postgraduate Training Courses, opened the second day of the Festival with her report on the topic "The genetic essence of immune failures". The Festival was completed by Irina M. VOLOSHINA, DMD, PhD, Assoc. Prof. of the Preventive Dentistry Department, Deputy Dean of the OSMU Faculty of Dentistry with the lecture "Genetics and dental health".
The logic of the reports was determined by the objectives of the project related to immersing listeners in the multidimensional world of genetics. The event showed that genetics is a fascinating universe that allows you to take a fresh look at the surrounding space and man.
OSMU Press Center