Due to the recent increase of the COVID-19 cases accompanied by the onset of seasonal respiratory infection the doctors are working at their human limits. For that reason, three hundred medical students will help doctors in Omsk Hospitals.
OSMU pre-clinical and clinical students and also the clinical students of the University College will help doctors in 23 Omsk Hospitals and Outpatient Clinics.
Pre-clinical students will measure temperature in patients of Outpatients Departments and remind them about ordinary safety measures. Clinical students will work at the Reception Desk regulating the flow of the patients and on the COVID-19 Hotline answering the phone calls.
For safety reasons all students will work in PPE including a protective suit and a reusable respirator; they will also be provided with the changeable gloves and masks.
Remind you once again about safety measures, so called ‘Do It All!’ approach: wearing masks, physical distancing, avoiding crowded, closed and close-contact settings, cleaning hands covering sneezes and coughs. Take care of yourself and your loved ones!
OSMU Press Center