On March 11-13, 2019 OSMU students and residents have participated in the I International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Young Scientists “Present-Day Aspects of Aftercare and Health Resort Treatment” and the I International Olympiad on Aftercare and Health Resort Treatment (National Medical Research Center for Aftercare and Resort Medicine, Moscow).
Following the results of the Conference, Alexandra GOLOKTIONOVA has become the first-class prize winner in the sub-forum “Cardiac Rehabilitation”. Natalia MOROZ has been the second-class prize winner in the sub-forum “Aftercare in Traumatology and Orthopedics”. Victoria LAGUTOCHKINA has been the third-class prize winner in the sub-forum “Methods of Physical Therapy”. The resident Julia OSTROVSKAYA has got the first-class diploma in the nomination “The Best Research Paper of a Young Scientist”. The resident Denis OSTROVSKY has been awarded the third-class diploma in the sub-forum “Cardiac Rehabilitation”.
Regarding the results of the Olympiad, OSMU team has won the second place.