Teaching staff, students, residents, and young scientists of OSMU help regional healthcare, which is very important due to the increase of the COVID-19 cases.
For now, more than 290 professors and teachers work in the hospitals and outpatient clinics, 82 of them work in the COVID-19 Centers, as well as 62 out of 777 residents. There are also about 900 students helping regional healthcare in the fight against the new coronavirus infection. Besides, there is a reserve of the operational mobile group of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, which includes three professors from OSMU. Our teachers stood shoulder to shoulder with the other doctors.
Larisa V. PUZYREVA, Associate Professor of the Phthisiology, Phthisiosurgery and Infectious Diseases Department, has been working with the COVID-19 patients in the Infectious Diseases Hospital №1 since March. «It was hard at the beginning, but we got used to it. For now, besides working as a teacher, I am working as an infectious disease doctor at day and night shifts in the hospital. The patients with unconfirmed coronavirus infection are admitted to the hospital where my colleagues and I examine them at the first stage; we also perform the regular clinical rounds in the "red zone" of the hospital. I prefer day shifts, during which you can assess patients’ condition in dynamics. Most of the COVID-19 cases are moderate, and it is very important to prevent these patients’ condition from getting worse, because within 2-3 hours symptoms may develop and lead to the need for using mechanical ventilation. » – said Larisa V. PUZYREVA.
Irina V. LAPTEVA, Assistant Professor of the Department of Internal Medicine (Out-Patient Setting), Head of the Therapy Unit of the Omsk Outpatient Clinic №3, also has been working with the COVID-19 patients from the beginning of the pandemic. «We help patients with moderate and severe COVID-19 infection, and also control the condition of patients with mild symptoms and with the complications of the disease. It is our duty to help people in these hard times.» – said Irina V. LAPTEVA
Sergey V. CHERNENKO, Associate Professor of the General Surgery Department has been working almost seven days a week since March due to the increased number of patients. Once a week together with his colleagues he gets COVID-19 Antibodies Testing. Since the beginning of the pandemic, Sergey V. CHERNENKO has been working in the Omsk Hospital №1 as a thoracic surgeon, in the Omsk Oncology Center as an emergency surgeon, and in the Omsk Hospital №4 as an infectious disease specialist, and probably this list is not over yet.
But it is not only the efforts of the doctors; the patients are also responsible for what happens, and most of them understand it.
«Now, people are aware of the severity of the COVID-19 infection, and the better they observe safety measures, the fewer new cases of the infection there will be.» – said Evgeniya A. BAIGOZINA, Professor of the Department of Internal Medicine (Advanced Course) and Endocrinology, a pulmonologist of the Regional Clinical Hospital.
In this way, teachers and professors of OSMU came to the aid of their colleagues, and they want to remind once again about the safety measures: wearing masks, washing hands and physical distancing.