On February 3, 2021, OSMU Team «Siberian Help» has been considered an absolute winner at the annual National Olympiad on Emergency Medicine «Neotlozhka 2021» which was held at Krasnoyarsk State Medical University.
OSMU Team was represented by Andrey P. LOKTEV, Tatiana D. ZAKHAROVA, Ilya S. PODCHEBUTOV, Fedor M. MENSHCHIKOV, Alina M. KONEVINA, Angelina V. SOLOMAKHINA, who have been trained by Prof. Assoc. Sergei V. CHERNENKO, the Department of General Surgery.
This year, the Olympiad was held online and included the following competition stages: greetings of the teams, knowledge competition, video-making contest, and emergency assistance competition, where students have shown their practical skills. Based on the results of all stages, OSMU Team scored 112.3 points and won the first prize!
Our cordial congratulations to «Siberian Help» on the victory in the Olympiad!
OSMU Press Center