OSMU Took Part in «Innovations of the Year» Exhibition
On May 21 and 22, 2021, the exhibition of goods «Omsk Brand» and exhibition «Innovations of the Year», organized by the City Administration and Entrepreneurship Support Center, took place at Omsk Expo-Center. The event aims at promoting the innovative products of Omsk companies on the domestic and international markets, and demonstrating the best inventions of the past year, based on the latest trends in technological field.
77 Omsk companies and a number of craftsmans presented their best products in a total of 21 categories.
OSMU has presented five inventions:
Eugeniy V. EKIMOV «Dental Gels». Academic advisor: Prof. Assoc. Galina I. SKRIPKINA, Head of the Department of Pediatric Dentistry;
Vladimir N. LIPPERT «BioFix Platform Development for Improving the Quality of Biopsy Diagnostics in Gynecology». Academic advisor: Prof. Sergey I. MOZGOVOY, the Department of Morbid Anatomy;
Svetlana V. VEREMEEVA «Development of Adapted Quick-Liquid Technology for Liquid Cytology based on Agar Gel». Academic advisor: Prof. Sergey I. MOZGOVOY, the Department of Morbid Anatomy;
Egor A. KHOROSHKIN «CogniTEST Software Development for Self-Diagnosis of Cognitive Fatigue Level». Academic advisor: Prof. Sergey I. MOZGOVOY, the Department of Morbid Anatomy;
Oksana V. LAZAREVA «Molded sorbent VNIITU-1PVP». Academic advisor: Prof. Sergey V. BARINOV, Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology №2.
The work of our young scientists was highly appreciated, and they were awarded in the category «Innovations in Medicine and Healthcare»!
OSMU Press Center