On February 24, as part of the Forum of National Achievements “Health”, a number of events aimed at summing up the implementation of national projects in the field of healthcare were held.
Events led by Tatiana A. GOLIKOVA, Deputy Chairperson of the Government of the Russian Federation, and Mikhail A. MURASHKO, Minister of Health of the Russian Federation, were attended by deputy ministers of health of the Russian Federation, chief external specialists of the Russian Ministry of Health, and scientists.
OSMU was represented by Prof. Maria A. LIVZAN, MD, PhD, Acting Rector of OSMU, Corresponding Member of the RAS, Assoc. Prof. Galina I. SKRIPKINA, DMD, PhD, Head of the Pediatric Dentistry Department, Oksana V. LAZAREVA, MD, PhD, Assoc. Prof. of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department № 2, and 2 students of the General Medicine Faculty: 6th year student E.N. KRESTNIKOVA, and 3rd year student N.K. FROLOV.
Prof. Maria A. LIVZAN became the speaker of the plenary part of the forum meeting, taking part in demonstrating the results of the national project and discussing the system of primary health care and modernization of primary health care. In association with Artem N. NARKEVICH, Head of the Ministry of Health of Omsk region, she presented to the public the developments of Omsk medical scientists at the stand of the Omsk region at the “Russia” exhibition at the Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy
There are some of them: intrauterine molded sorbent, used to preserve reproductive function during the treatment of one of the complications during cesarean section, gels designed for the prevention and treatment of caries, and materials that can prevent stroke, dementia and other serious health conditions.
OSMU Press Center