OSMU young scientists actively participate in research and present their latest studies at various competitions. Andrey S. KORSHUNOV, Prof. Assoc. of the Department of Dentistry (Postgraduate Course), MD, PhD, has been awarded the 1st place Diploma at the International Medical Forum «University Science. Innovations» held as part of the National Scientific Event «Relay of University Science - 2023». His research entitled «Tissue concept of the lower wisdom teeth extraction, based on clinical, morphological and biochemical changes in collagen and mineral structures» was recognized as the best in the «Clinical research in dentistry» section. The second and the third places went to scientists from Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N. Burdenko and Siberian State Medical University, respectively.
We congratulate Andrey S. KORSHUNOV on his successful performance at the competition!
OSMU Press Center