OSMU has hosted the National Scientific Conference with International Participation «Library in the Information Space of Higher Education Institutions: Traditions and Innovations», dedicated to the Centenary of OSMU Library.
During the two days of the Сonference, participants heard 27 reports from the speakers of the Central Scientific Medical Library of Sechenov University, the Library and Information Complex of Yugra State University, the Library of Volgograd State Medical University, the Research Library of Chita State Medical Academy, publishing houses and companies, and specialists from F.M. Dostoevsky Omsk State University, Omsk State University of Railway Transport, Omsk State Technical University, and OSMU.
The speakers focused on the following themes: the profession of a bibliographer in today's world, innovative trends in the modern University library, and the role of the educational e-environment in the reorganization of the University library during the pandemic.
During the plenary session, Prof. Maria A. LIVZAN, OSMU Rector, and Prof. Andrey V. PISKLAKOV, Vice-Rector for Research, Head of the Department of Pediatric Surgery and Reproductive Health for Children and Adolescents, welcomed the guests.
Boris R. LOGINOV, Director of the Central Scientific Medical Library of Sechenov University, shared his thoughts about the future of scientific libraries. Regulatory issues of University libraries in the state regulation of higher education were covered by Galina A. SPITSKAYA, Advisor to OSMU Rector. Tamara V. BERNHARDT, Prof. Assoc. of the Department of Russian and Foreign Literature at F.M. Dostoevsky Omsk State University, told about the labor market requirements for library specialists according to sociological research. Lyudmila V. LUZYANINA, Director of the OSMU Library, presented her report on the history of the library.
At the end of the Conference, the discussion on building library collections was held by the experts: Lyudmila S. LUKASHEVICH, Director of the Library, Grodno State Medical University (Republic of Belarus), Gulzhan S. KADIRSIZOVA, Director of the Library, Semey Medical University (Republic of Kazakhstan), Irina A. FALALEEVA, Director of the Library, Omsk State University of Railway Transport, Chairperson of the Omsk Regional Didactics Association of University Libraries, Valentina V. DOLGOVA, Head of the Scientific Library, Volgograd State Medical University, Tatyana A. LISHCHUK, Head of the Scientific Library, Yaroslavl State Medical University, and the specialists of OSMU Library.
OSMU Press Center