On June 2, 2022, the 98th Regional Session «Outpatient Appointment» was held online. In the framework of the Year of Cultural Heritage, it was dedicated to the folk art and intangible cultural heritage of the Omsk Region. The event was organized by the Ministry of Public Health of the Omsk Region, Omsk State Medical University, Omsk Emergency Hospital №2, and the Omsk State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve «Starina Sibirskaya».
The welcome speech was delivered by Prof. Maria A. LIVZAN, MD, PhD, Rector of OSMU, Corresponding Member of RAS, Head of the Internal Medicine (Intermediate Level) and Gastroenterology of OSMU, Head of the «Science» roup of the scientific and educational «Sibirsky» regional medical cluster, Chief External Expert of the Ministry of Health of Russia for Internal Diseases in the Siberian Federal District, Chairperson of the Omsk Council of Rectors, Member of the Russian Union of Rectors.
Prof. Arkady L. VERTKIN, MD, PhD, Head of the Internal Medicine, Clinical Pharmacology and Emergency Medicine Department of the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after A.I. Evdokimov, Head of the Regional Public Organization «Outpatient Doctor», Honoured Scientists of the Russian Federation, reminded listeners about the «Day of healthy eating and refusal of excess eating» which is held annually on June 2. This day is aimed at attracting the publics’ attention to the food culture.
The speakers of the Conference included OSMU employees: Prof. Maria A. LIVZAN; Prof. Inna A. VIKTOROVA, MD, PhD, Head of the Internal Medicine (Out-Patient Setting) Department, Chief External Expert of the Ministry of Health of Russia for General Medicine/Family Medicine in the Omsk Region; Prof. Assoc. Inna V. DRUK, MD, PhD, Head of the Internal Medicine and Family Medicine (Postgraduate Course) Department; Prof. Valery I. LARKIN, MD, PhD, Head of the Neurology and Neurosurgery Department; Galina I. NECHAEVA, MD, PhD, Prof. of the Internal Medicine and Family Medicine (Postgraduate Course) Department, Chief External Expert of the Ministry of Health of Russia for General Medicine/Family Medicine in the Siberian Federal District; Prof. Assoc. Nikolai A. NIKOLAEV, MD, PhD, Prof. of the Internal Medicine (Intermediate Level) and Gastroenterology Department, Vice-Rector for Medical Activities and Regional Healthcare; Prof. Anna V. MORDYK, MD, PhD, Head of the Phthisiology, Pulmonology and Infectious Diseases Department.
The Session covered a large number of problems, such as diagnosis and pharmacotherapy of internal diseases, organization of the out-patient care, and the special section covered the issues of gastroenterology, pulmonology, and neurology.
As a lyrical digression, Oksana A. OSADCHAYA, Supervisor of the Ethno-cultural Heritage Department of the Omsk State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve «Starina Sibirskaya», told about the museum of living history. Over the three centuries of its existence, Omsk has become one of the largest industrial and cultural cities in Russia. It stores a unique collection of Russian avant-garde, a wonderful collection of Scythian gold, works of Omsk artists, which replenish the funds of the best museums in Russia and abroad.
Regional Session «Outpatient Appointment» made it possible to acquire knowledge on diagnosis and treatment of socially significant diseases, comorbid patients’ treatment, indications for the specialized doctor’s consultation, and the principles of prevention of the most common internal diseases. Out-of-the-box approach with the immersion in the local culture and history made this event not only educational, but also heartfelt.
OSMU Press Center