From August 22-25, 2023, the X International Forum of Technological Development «Technoprom – 2023» took place in Novosibirsk. The agenda of the Forum was «Technologies as a factor in the development of regions» and its aim was to present the best Russian practices of applying future technologies to solve global and industry problems, a successful experience in closing the gap between scientific research and its implementation in the real sector of the economy.
The technological achievements of Russian companies, state corporations, and development institutions, as well as Research and Educational Centers’ (REC) projects, were presented at the Forum.
Omsk REC introduced several world-class innovative projects. On behalf of Pediatric Dentistry Department of OSMU, Eugeniy V. EKIMOV, MD, PhD, Prof. Assoc. of the Department, presented the project called «Caries-preventive gel compositions», performed under the supervision of Prof. Assoc. Galina I. SKRIPKINA, MD, PhD Head of the Department.
On August 23, during the «Hour of the Regions», Eugeniy BELOPUKHOV, the director of the Omsk REC, shared his experience in project work, and the employees of OSMU and Omsk Agrarian Research Center presented their innovative projects to experts, participants, and visitors of the Forum. Gel compositions developed in OSMU aroused great interest among the public and interested investors.
Currently, OSMU concluded a license agreement with the Omsk manufacturer, which in the near future will produce a three-component gel called «Emal» for the prevention and treatment of initial forms of caries in children. This is a great success and an indicator of public recognition of the long-term meticulous work of Omsk scientists in the field of the applied use of effective scientific developments aimed at preventing dental diseases in children.