On July 5, 2022, graduates of the Faculty of Pediatrics received their diplomas, including 20 students who graduated with honors.
Graduation Ceremony started with a welcoming speech from Natalia A. POLYANSKAYA, Dean of the Faculty of Pediatrics. Elena O, SHCHUKINA, MD, PhD, Deputy Chief Doctor for Organizational and Methodological Work of the Omsk Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital, pediatrician of the highest qualification category, Eleonora N. KROLEVETS, Deputy Minister of Health of the Omsk Region, and Prof. Maria A. LIVZAN, Rector of OSMU, Corresponding Member of RAS, also congratulated graduates, their relatives and friends.
Students solemnly recited the doctor's oath and then, as tradition demands, the 6th–year prefect presented his white coat to the 1st-year prefect. This tradition emphasizes the team spirit, support, continuity, and connection between generations and was greeted by the audience with thunderous applause.
At the end of the ceremony, Sergey V. CHERNENKO, MD, PhD, Head of the Department for Youth Policy and Social Development, singled out the students who actively participated on the extracurricular activities. He also awarded the graduates with the letters of gratitude from the Ministry of Health of the Omsk Region for helping regional healthcare during COVID-19 pandemics.
Congratulations to the graduates of 2022!
OSMU Press Center