Press Conference for World Cancer Day
On February 4, 2022, a press conference for World Cancer Day was held in the House of Journalists. Prof. Viktor K. KOSENOK, MD, PhD, Head of the OSMU Department of Oncology and Radiotherapy (Postgraduate Course), was invited as an expert. Together with Igor V. BOGDASHIN, Chairman of the «Cancer Survivors Club», Natalia S. NALIMOVA, Director of the «Embracing the sky» Charity Fund, and Elena O. GETALOVA, a peer counselor, he told about the most common cancers, early cancer warning signs, last developments in cancer treatment, and how to support someone with cancer.
«Cancer prevention is easier than a cure», - said Viktor KOSENOK. Based on 40 years of experience as a thoracic surgeon, he paid attention to the importance of a healthy lifestyle because an imbalanced diet, smoking, constant stress, and unfavorable environment, together with genetic predisposition, form risk factors for cancer.
According to Viktor KOSENOK, the other important thing in beating cancer is its early detection before clinical manifestation. That is why everyone needs to focus on screening methods, fluorography, mammography, and timely medical examination. Through early diagnosis and prevention, we can significantly reduce cancer mortality.
Considering the shortage of medical personnel who would purposefully be engaged in cancer prevention, all specialists should be on alert when working with patients - in 2021, there were 7800 new cancer cases in the Omsk Region.
«Cancer is not a death sentence today! It can be cured, and we can’t give up in this fight», - said Viktor KOSENOK. All the experts of the press conference agreed that there is always a chance to cure cancer, and it should be used.
OSMU Press Center