Omsk scientists have developed the system of maximum early diagnosis of gastric cancer. The technologies, proposed by them, allow detecting changes prior to oncology and it means they help to prevent its development. Head of the Pathological Anatomy Department in Omsk Medical University Sergey MOZGOVOY has received a grant for this project of one million. Only 60 doctors of sciences have been awarded this grant in the whole country.
Omsk scientists have managed to detect what changes become a start for developing a tumour. If we monitor these changes in examining patients who address complaints to a gastroenterologist, we will have an opportunity to eliminate the development of a disease. Today oncologists state: the majority of patients with gastric cancer are admitted to them too late.
The system of early diagnosis, proposed by scientists of Omsk Medical University, is still unknown to practitioners. New technologies are at the stage of development of the experimental model. In addition to laboratory studies, it is still necessary to test this method in conditions of medical institutions.
At the present stage, the system proposed by Omsk scientist has been approved at the Russian level as well. To continue his development, Sergey MOZGOVOY has received a presidential grant of one million rubles.
Professor MOZGOVOY has given public lectures
Within the framework of implementing the Grant of the President of the Russian Federation “Development of high valid molecular and cellular and epigenomic signatures to assess a patient-specific risk and early diagnosis of gastric cancer”, a series of public lectures has been given by Professor Sergey MOZGOVOY at Omsk State Medical University.
The first meeting was held on 6 October and was devoted to modern concepts of scientific research in medicine.
The next lectures were devoted to:
Multidisciplinary approach in modern research studies (3 October);
Applied aspects of organizing scientific and applied research: minimum number of observations, validity calculation, assessment of experts’ consent (20 October).
In the atmosphere of true enthusiasm…
“I've seen things you people wouldn't believe…”
Roy Batty, Blade Runner, 1968
In October, a series of public lectures on “Modern concepts of scientific research: multidisciplinary approach, prevention, prediction, personification" within the framework of the grant of the President of the Russian Federation “Development of high valid molecular and cellular and epigenomic signatures to assess a patient-specific risk and early diagnosis of gastric cancer” was held by Sergey I. MOZGOVOY, Professor of the Department of Pathological Anatomy at OSMU.
Three Friday evenings were in the atmosphere of true enthusiasm for science and easy conversations about the medicine of the future. How does the process of cognition occur? How do we analyze the information that comes in a huge flow every day? What is cognitive distortion? Such fundamental issues were considered in the first lecture. Professor asked the audience: "How many "Ps" are there in modern medicine?" With further discussion, it became clear that more and more requirements are imposed on a perfect medical strategy with the development of scientific knowledge: predictive, preventive, participatory, personalized and precise. The purpose of such modifications of the traditional approach is to broadcast the latest innovations in clinical practice on the basis of a breakthrough in the natural sciences and information technologies. The initial and final controls were conducted. And it was nice to know the definitions of all terms after the lecture given.
Intrigued by the Friday event, new students joined the listeners of the first lecture, and on October 13, 53 people gathered in the hall of the pathologic anatomy building. In addition to the relevance of the issues under consideration, the style of presentation of material is of particular value to future scientists. Vivid examples, analogies with the usual things, as well as colorful and unexpected visualization on slides, handouts, making contact with the listeners and constant feedback - such experience will undoubtedly be useful in further students’ presentations.
On October 20th, the final lecture was held. Topics were formed based on voting by the listeners of the previous lectures. The leading issues included ones on validation of scientific research, statistical data processing, and the search for information sources. Students, who had already made their first steps in science, received an example of a successful grant project.
We thank our wonderful lecturer for inspiration and motivation for new scientific achievements!
We thank our wonderful lecturer for inspiration and motivation for new scientific achievements!
Kseniya ZABUDSKAYA, a student of group 609 at the Faculty of General Medicine.