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Program of the Round Table "Participation in international programs and their role in establishing intercultural dialogue"

On January 17, 2023, the e-Intercultural Forum «Student's Vision of the World» organized by Omsk State Agrarian University and dedicated to the participation of students in the international programs took part at three formats: the e-Conference, the Essay Competition and the Round Table. It covered such topics as developing intercultural communication skills, gaining educational and practical experience abroad, and sharing the experience and ideas with international colleagues. The event attracted students from Omsk, Moscow, Belgorod, Novosibirsk, and also Kazakhstan, Turkey, and China.
The participants shared their experience of participating in international exchange programs, schools, and competitions. The great attention was paid to the Erasmus program, which allows students to study abroad for one semester and get acquainted with foreign culture and features of education.
In the Round Table, OSMU was represented by the following students: Elena SAVCHENKO, Ekaterina SVYATOGOROVA, and Yerzhan SERGAZY, 1st year residents, told about their participation in the Sino-Russian Creative Design Competition aimed at combining medical culture and design creativity. The team presented a project called "Playcognize": a set of useful supplies that would allow children of different ages to learn medical vocabulary in English in a playful way. According to the results of the competition, OSMU team was awarded the 1st-place diploma.
Elena LOGINOVA, a 5th-year student of the Faculty of General Medicine, has told about the International Academic Exchange Programs by the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA). She outlined the main activities of IFMSA, and told about the opportunities brought by international mobility programs. The presentation was complemented by a fascinating story about two internships Elena had in Serbia and Mexico. In her speech, Elena noted that international exchange programs provide a unique opportunity to get acquainted with a foreign culture and gain strong friendships around the world, while mastering professional skills. The audience of the Round Table showed great interest in the presentation, and Elena was happy to answer the questions about her experience.
Valeriya FRIS, a 5th-year student of the Faculty of General Medicine, presented her report on the Sino-Russian On-Line Medical Events, organized by the OSMU Department of International Affairs. Being a constant volunteer and an active participant, Valeriya knows firsthand about the intricacies of launching international educational projects. Her experience allowed her to give a broad idea of the events both onstage and backstage. Valeriya told about the IV International Medical School 2021 «Reproductive Health of Adolescents» and «The Sino-Russian On-Line Medical School «The Burning Issues of Otorhinolaryngology and Beyond…» held in October, 2022. Valeriya's presentation sparked a lively discussion among the participants of the Round Table. We hope that the experience of the International Affairs Department will inspire the participants to organize such educational events at their Universities!
We congratulate the participants of the Round Table with excellent performances and expressing our gratitude for the brilliant presentation of the achievements of the OSMU Department of International Affairs!
Elena SAVCHENKO, a 1st Year Resident, Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery
Ekaterina SVYATOGOROVA, a 1st Year Resident, Department of Internal Medicine (Intermediate Level) and Gastroenterology