The XI National Scientific Conference of Young Scientists "Scientific Achievements of Modern Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery" was held at Central Research Institute of Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery on September 25, 2020.
OSMU was represented by young scientists of the Orthopedic Dentistry Department: Sergey .I. SOLOVIEV and Pavel A. PETROV and a clinical resident of the Department A.A. OTMAKHOV, under supervision of Prof Andrey A. STAFEEV, MD, PhD; and a resident of the Pediatric Dentistry Department, A.A. SMETANIN, under supervision of Assoc. Prof. Galina I. SKRIPKINA, MD, PhD. Each participant of the Conference had the opportunity to publish their articles in the journal "Dentistry", which is included in the international citation database SCOPUS.
All scientific reports were deep in content and reflected modern trends in orthopedic dentistry. By the decision of the Conference Organizing Committee Sergey. I. SOLOVIEV got the 3rd place, A.A. OTMAKHOV and A.A. SMETANIN shared the 4th place, and Pavel A. PETROV got the 6th place.
Our cordial congratulations to the participants and winners of the XI National Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and wish them success in their scientific activities!
OSMU Press Center