OSMU students took part in the Annual XXVII (27th) Russian (60th «All-Union») Scientific Student Conference «Burning issues in Pediatric Surgery, Pediatric Anesthesiology and Intensive Care», which was held in Kirov on April 2021.
This year, the Conference included two stages: the online stage took place on April 10-11, and the on-site one – on April 21-23 at Kirov State Medical University. It was traditionally preceded by a Symposium of Russian Pediatric Surgeons, which attracted specialists from 44 Regions of Russia and was dedicated to the complications of acute appendicitis in children.
Students from 34 Russian medical universities presented their report on the following sessions: «Andrology», «Thoracic surgery», «Neonatal Surgery», «Abdominal Surgery», «Traumatology and Orthopedics», «Urology», and «Specific Issues of Pediatric Surgery».
Four students of the Faculty of Pediatrics represented our University. Polina ZHERENUK, a 6th-year student, participated in the online stage of the Conference and was granted the 3rd place diploma. Elena TKACH, a 6th-year student, was granted the 3rd place diploma for her report presented at the «Neonatal Surgery» session. Evelina SHESLER, a 4th-year student, was granted the 1st place diploma for her report presented at the «Specific Issues of Pediatric Surgery» session. Igor SHUGANOV, a 6th-year student, was granted the 2nd place diploma for his report presented at the «Andrology» session. OSMU delegation was headed by Andrey V. PISKLAKOV, Vice-Rector for Research, Head of the Pediatric Surgery and Reproductive Health for Children and Adolescents Department.
In the overall standings, the OSMU team was granted the 1st place diploma, which once again confirmed the high level of the Omsk School of Pediatric Surgery.
The participants express their deepest gratitude to their academic advisors Natalia I. PAVLENKO, Vladimir V. VYSOTSKII, and Andrey V. PISKLAKOV for the high level of training.
6th year student, Faculty of Pediatrics