OSMU team «Siberian Help», represented by Gennadiy SIDOROV, Andrey LOKTEV, Tatiana ZAKHAROVA, Fedor MENSHCHIKOV, Ilya PODCHEBUTOV, was awarded the first place for their successful performance at the II National Medical Multidisciplinary Olympiad «Medical Heights», organized by the Georgievskii Crimea State Medical University.
The Olympiad brought together teams from different parts of Russia and neighboring countries. On the first day, teams proved their knowledge in theoretical competitions, including a "MedBlitz" quiz and a Grand Concilium, where participants solved clinical cases and acted as opponents during the discussion. At the end of the first day, "Siberian Help" was 4 points behind the leaders. Practical contests held on the second day allowed the OSMU team to show their best skills: newborn resuscitation, diagnosis and management of polytrauma and other emergency conditions. The OSMU team showed the best results, and the coordinated work was highly appreciated by the jury panel. The competition ended with a captains' contest.
OSMU team "Siberian Help" won a landslide victory with 218 points and 16 points ahead of their nearest competitors.
OSMU Press Center