Specialists Discussed the Modern Methods of Transfusion Care
On September 21, OSMU, together with Omsk Regional Public Organization «Association of Laboratory Medicine Specialists», held the Interregional School «Laboratory and medical support for transfusion care: modern immunohematological tests and the possibility of their use in the clinical work» for specialists in the fields of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics, Internal Diseases, and Transfusiology.
The aim of this event was to grant a request from the regional health care authorities to provide effective clinical and laboratory consultation in transfusion care. The Forum attracted specialists from Omsk Region, Novosibirsk, and Moscow. On September 22-24, the participants interested in acquiring practical skills in laboratory immunohematology can undergo a master class and training in the Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics Department and Academic Center for Laboratory Diagnostics of OSMU.

Within the framework of the Interregional School, speakers discussed the problems of modern laboratory immunohematology, laboratory issues of transfusion care quality, and organization of recipient’s blood group and Rh typing. The reports were presented by Lyudmila A. TSARKOVA, Chief External Specialist in Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics of the Omsk Region, Dana E. PAVLOVA, Head of the City Pediatric Transfusiology Center (Moscow), T.D. MIRONENKO, doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics from the Blood Transfusion Department of Omsk Clinical Hospital №1, and Anton V. INDUTNY, Head of the Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics (Postgraduate Course) Department of OSMU, Chief Doctor of the Academic Center for Laboratory Diagnostics of OSMU, and board chairman of the Omsk Regional Public Organization «Association of Laboratory Medicine Specialists».
This event was accredited by the Coordinating Council for the Development of Continuous Medical and Pharmaceutical Education of the Ministry of Health of Russia. Organizers of the School express their gratitude to the «Ayaks» Company (Novosibirsk) and the «Bio-rad» Company (Moscow) for technical support and assistance in holding the Forum.
Anton V. INDUTNY, MD, PhD,
Head of the Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics (Postgraduate Course) Department of OSMU