On March 26, 2021, the Student Scientific Conference “Burning Issues of TB Epidemiology and Prophylaxis took place online led by the Department of Epidemiology and the Department of Public Health and Healthcare Management. The event is dedicated to World Tuberculosis Day, which in 2021 is held under the slogan «Time is running out», pointing to the fact that there is almost no time left to complete the global TB elimination programs. This slogan has taken on a special meaning because the elimination strategies remain hampered due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Students of Faculty of General Medicine, Faculty of Preventive Medicine, and Faculty of Pediatrics have presented their reports devoted to the topical issues in phthisiology: pharmacological resistance of MTB, territorial and age aspects of TB epidemiology, issues of comorbid conditions, smoking as a risk factor for TB, methods of its early diagnosis, and importance of diet and vaccination in the prophylaxis of TB.
Along with OSMU students, Omsk schoolchildren have shown interest in the topic and presented the results of their research at the Conference. The participants will receive diplomas and memorable prizes.
OSMU Press Center