For the first time at the Faculty of Dentistry, Prof. Andrey A. STAFEEV, MD, PhD, Head of the Orthopedic Dentistry Department, read a lecture via teleconference for students and residents of the Medical Institute of RUDN University (Moscow) and students, residents and staff of the Orthopedic Dentistry Department of OSMU.
The teleconference was organized by the Department of Medical Informatics and Telemedicine of the Medical Institute (Head of the Department – Valery L. STOLYAR, PhD in Biology), the Department of Orthopedic Dentistry of RUDN University (Head of the Department – Prof. Igor Yu. LEBEDENKO, MD, PhD), and the Department of Orthopedic Dentistry of OSMU (Head of the Department - Prof. Andrey A. STAFEEV, MD, PhD).
This teleconference marks a new stage of cooperation between the teams of the Orthopedic Dentistry Departments of Omsk and Moscow universities at the level of giving lectures, conducting clinical consultations for complicated cases and master classes.
Prof. Andrey A. STAFEEV delivered the lecture called «Teeth preparation and possible complications in terms of assessing the condition of the marginal parodontium», which attracted 70 students and residents of the Orthopedic Dentistry Departments from Omsk and Moscow.
We express our gratitude to the departments of RUDN University, and personally to Valery L. STOLYAR, Prof. Igor Yu. LEBEDENKO, and Prof. Andrey A. STAFEEV.