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The 10th Anniversary Meeting of the Association of Sino-Russian Medical Universities (ASRMU) Council

On July 6, 2024, the 10th anniversary meeting of the Association of Sino-Russian Medical Universities (ASRMU) Council was held in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, Southern China, attracting representatives from over 70 leading medical universities from Russia and China.
Omsk State Medical University was represented by Prof. Elena B. PAVLINOVA, MD, PhD, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, and Head of the Department of Pediatrics (Advanced Level), including Postgraduate Training Courses. Elena B. PAVLINOVA actively participated in the meeting and presented a report on the results of OSMU's cooperation over the past decade during a roundtable discussion.
ASRMU was established ten years ago by Sechenov University and Harbin Medical University, highlighting strategic cooperation between Russia and China. The association now includes over 100 universities, having grown fivefold. More than 300 joint scientific and practical events have been held, involving 25000 students and professors. Each year, ASRMU runs dozens of joint medical science projects. Collaboration also extends to practical healthcare, with over 150 students and young doctors from both countries attending clinical courses and internships annually.
At the end of the meeting, the parties signed a joint agreement outlining new initiatives. These include creating an annual Sino-Russian grant for joint projects and developing cooperation in digital and personalized medicine, leveraging artificial intelligence, big data, and other advanced technologies to improve medical quality, personalized treatments, disease prevention, combating infectious diseases, and ensuring food safety. The Sino-Russian Center for Bilateral Education will simplify specialist exchanges, mutual recognition of diplomas, and the development of new specialty programs. Another interesting direction includes creation of bilateral clinical consultations on critical health issues affecting both countries' populations.
The document was signed by Prof. Petr GLYBOCHKO, ASRMU co-chairman from the Russian side, Rector of Sechenov University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and Yang BAOFENG, ASRMU co-chairman from the Chinese side, Professor of Harbin Medical University. Joint work and exchange of experience will continue with the implementation of the planned projects.
OSMU Press Center