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The Annual XI International Scientific Conference on Sports Medicine

The annual XI International Scientific Conference on Sports Medicine, named after A.V. ZIMIN, took place on April 27-28. This event has become a significant gathering for doctors of hockey teams from the KHL, VHL, MHL, and WHL, and other specialists in sports medicine. The Conference was organized by the Medical Department of the KHL with the support of the Avangard Hockey Club, Sechenov University, and OSMU.
Distinguished experts from Russia and abroad presented reports addressing contemporary challenges and significant issues in sports medicine, covering a wide range of topics, including injury prevention and diagnosis, advanced treatment methods, and rehabilitation techniques for athletes, specialized nutritional products, manual treatment approaches, and anti-doping measures.
Assoc. Prof. Andrey S. KOLCHIN, MD, PhD, Vice-Rector for Postgraduate Education at OSMU, delivered a welcoming speech to the specialists at the Сonference. Galina I. NECHAEVA, MD, PhD, Professor at the Department of Internal and Family Medicine, including Postgraduate Training Courses, delivered a report entitled «Modern Perspectives on Connective Tissue Dysplasia» as part of the «Structural and Functional Features of the Athlete's Heart» session, organized with the participation of the Sechenov University Department of Sports Medicine.
The «Nutritional Regime Specifics for Hockey Players» session was prepared with the participation of OSMU specialists. Prof. Vadim A. AKHMEDOV, MD, PhD, Head of the Department of Medical Rehabilitation, including Postgraduate Training Courses, analyzed the contemporary understanding of human microbiota, its characteristics related to varying degrees of physical activity, prospects for using various means to correct athletes' microbiota, addressed issues related to the adaptation of the digestive tract to increased physical stress, and prevention of functional disorders resulting from physical and emotional stress, and dietary regimen.
OSMU Press Center