On October 27-28, 2023, the Interregional Scientific Conference «The Burning Issues of Rheumatology» dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of rheumatic diseases took place. The Conference was organized by Omsk State Medical University and Omsk Regional Clinical Hospital.
- The Conference is dedicated to the centenary of the birth of Valentina A. NASONOVA, who is rightfully considered the founder of national rheumatology. This year, a number of major scientific events dedicated to this date were held in Russia, which allowed us to demonstrate successes and achievements in our profession. - said Tatiana V. KROPOTINA, MD, PhD, Chief External Specialist in Rheumatology of the Omsk Region, Deputy Chief Physician for Internal Diseases of Omsk Regional Clinical Hospital.
The subject of the conference brought together doctors and residents of different specialties: rheumatologists, neurologists, general practitioners, pediatricians, oncologists – all those who help to develop medical plans for rheumatology patients. Researchers from different cities of Russia presented their reports at the Conference: St. Petersburg, Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Barnaul, Irkutsk, and Omsk.
The Conference was divided into sessions. On October 27, the following sessions were held: «Rheumatoid arthritis: unlocking new possibilities», «Seronegative spondyloarthropathies - an area of interdisciplinary interaction», «Rheumatology as a branch of internal diseases», «Systemic autoimmune diseases», and «Osteoarthritis: unlocking new possibilities».
On October 28, the Conference continued with the R-Pharm symposium «Optimal treatment of comorbid patient with rheumatoid arthritis» and a number of sessions: «The diversity of seronegative spondyloarthropathies: focus on psoriatic spondyloarthritis», «Rheumatoid arthritis: expanding treatment options», «”Special” rheumatology», and «Safety issues in rheumatology».
OSMU scientists presented their reports in two sessions: «Rheumatology as a branch of internal diseases» and «”Special” rheumatology».
Prof. Natalia A. MOROVA, MD, PhD, Head of the Internal Medicine (Advanced Course) and Endocrinology Department, prepared two scientific reports. The first one was dedicated to the hyperuricemia as an important cardiovascular risk factor. The second one expanded on a topic of NSAIDs, their benefits and side effects, the algorithm of NSAIDs use, and the comparative assessment of several drugs.
Alexander A. SEMENKIN, MD, PhD, Professor of the Department of Internal Medicine and Family Medicine (Postgraduate Course), talked on a subject of lipid-lowering therapy: diagnosis and treatment of dyslipidemia, effective management of cardiovascular risk, including in patients with rheumatic diseases, features of choosing lipid-lowering drugs.
The report «Orphan diseases in children. What a rheumatologist may encounter. Clinical cases» was prepared by Natalia Yu. VLASENKO, MD, PhD, Assoc. Prof. of the Pediatrics (Advanced Level), including Postgraduate Training Courses Department, and Elena B. PAVLINOVA, MD, PhD, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Head of the Pediatrics (Advanced Level), including Postgraduate Training Courses Department. They told about orphan diseases in pediatric practice, the prevalence of these diseases and the statistics on orphan pathology in the Omsk Region. Doctors were reminded of the possibilities of the high-tech medical diagnostic tools like molecular genetics testing and diagnostic enzymes. The special attention was paid to the Cost-Intensive Nosologies state program and the «Circle of Kindness» Fund which help to provide children with expensive pathogenetic therapy.
In general, the Conference showed that the diagnosis of rheumatic diseases had become more effective in recent years, and modern treatment makes it possible to achieve stable remission or low disease activity.
OSMU Press Center