On May 11-13, the First Summit of Drug Developers «Sirius. Biotech» took place at the «Sirius» Federal Territory. OSMU was represented by Ivan G. SHTEINBORM, OSMU First Vice-Rector.
Summit gathered together students, young scientists, and representatives of Universities, Academic Institutions, and High-Tech Companies involved in the drug development industry. The event provided an opportunity to gain new knowledge and expand the professional network.
- Summit gave a platform for leading experts to share their experience in drug development and production, tell about current trends in the industry and present their recent projects, - said Ivan G. SHTEINBORM.
Round tables create a space for discussing scientific ideas, technological aspects of drug development, and networking. The annual event will become a platform for the exchange of experience, and the search for partners, colleagues, investors, and licensees for the products.
OSMU Press Center