On May 12-13, 2023, the IV Eurasian Maxillofacial Prosthetics Symposium «Burning Issues of maxillofacial prosthetics and orthopedic dentistry» dedicated to the 115th anniversary of Prof. Veniamin Yu. KURLYANDSKY, outstanding scientist, doctor, teacher, one of the founders of orthopedic dentistry in Russia, was held in Tashkent (capital of Uzbekistan).
The leaders of Tashkent State Dental Institute (Rizaeva S.M., Irsaliev Kh.I., Nigmatov R.N., Khabilov N.L.), the Rector of Samarkand State Medical University (Prof. Rizaev Zh.A), leading Russian dentists and professors (Lebedenko I.Yu. (Moscow), Stafeev A.A., Corresponding Member of RAS (Omsk), Gvetadze R.Sh. (Moscow), Gazhva S.I. (Nizhny Novgorod), Astashina N.B. (Perm), Nurieva N.S. (Chelyabinsk), Parunov V.A. (Moscow), Arutyunov S.D. (Moscow). Malginov N.N. (Moscow)), representatives of Kazakhstan (Prof. Ruzuddinov S.R., Prof. Altynbekov K.D.), and Prof. Professor Christo Kissov from Sofia University (Bulgaria) took an active part in the preparation and work of the Symposium. The reports on topical issues of orthopedic dentistry were made by employees of the orthopedic dentistry departments of universities of Tashkent, Bukhara, Samarkand, Omsk, Moscow, Perm, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Chelyabinsk.
The Symposium was opened by the followers of Prof. Veniamin Yu. KURLYANDSKY: Prof. Lebedenko I.Yu., Honored Worker of Science of Russia, Prof. Ruzuddinov S.R, and granddaughter of the great scientist. The program of the Symposium included presentations on the following topics: contribution of Prof. Veniamin Yu. KURLYANDSKY in the development of orthopedic dentistry; problems of replacement of lost parts of the face (epithesis), more often in oncological patients after surgeries; ectoprostheses manufacturing, including the use of modern digital technologies.
Omsk Dental School was represented by Prof. Andrey A. STAFEEV, DMD, PhD Head of the Orthopedic Dentistry Department of OSMU, Sergey I. SOLOVIEV, DMD, PhD, and Alexander V. KHIZHUK, DMD, both Prof. Asst. of the Orthopedic Dentistry Department. They made two comprehensive reports on the rehabilitation of dental patients with craniomandibular dysfunction and prosthetics of people with metabolic syndrome in the presence of dental implants.
Forum Program included poster presentations (26 in total). One of them, dedicated to the use of digital technologies in the orthopedic treatment of patients with periodontal pathology, was delivered by Lapenko S.V., 4th-year student of the Dentistry Faculty of OSMU (academic advisor – Sergey I. SOLOVIEV, DMD, PhD, Prof. Asst. of the Orthopedic Dentistry Department).
Within the framework of the Symposium and the signing of memorandums of cooperation between the departments of orthopedic dentistry of OSMU, Universities of Bukhara and Samarkand, and the Tashkent State Dental Institute, Prof. Andrey A. STAFEEV read a lecture on diagnostics in orthopedic dentistry for students and staff of Bukhara Medical University.
Staff and administration of the universities of Uzbekistan accorded a warm and cordial welcome to the participants of the Symposium. We look forward to further comprehensive work with colleagues on all aspects of educational, scientific, and medical activities for the benefit of our nations.