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The National Job Fair «Jobs of Russia. Time of Opportunities»

Prof. Maria A. LIVZAN, MD, PhD, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, OSMU Rector, along with Ivan A. ONUFRIEV, Vice-Rector for Security, Technical Support, Maintenance and Repair of the University facilities, participated in the federal stage events of the National Job Fair «Jobs of Russia. Time of Opportunities».
The National Job Fair, held annually by Presidential order, included offline events at over a thousand venues nationwide and an online space on the «Jobs of Russia» portal showcasing employers. Discussions covered youth employment, industry staffing, the national project «Personnel», demand forecasting, employment services, and best HR practices.
The business part took place simultaneously in eight cities: Vladivostok, Omsk, Ekaterinburg, Ufa, Moscow, Tosno (Leningrad Region), Stavropol, and Krasnodar. Experts advised students and job seekers, while HR professionals shared effective team-building and talent pool creation practices. A six-hour online marathon featured over 40 speakers discussing the real-time labor market situation.
Then, at the Dissertation Council Hall of Omsk State Technical University, the Omsk Region Council of Rectors discussed aspects of cooperation with the «Russia – Land of Opportunities» Autonomous Non-Profit Organization (ANO). The meeting with university leaders and Dmitry Yu. GUZHEL, Deputy Director General of ANO «Russia – Land of Opportunities» was attended by Denis G. TSUKANOV, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Omsk Region, Minister of Digital Development and Communications of the Omsk Region, Bari G. KHAIROV, Deputy Minister of Industry and Scientific and Technical Development of the Omsk Region, and Ivan I. KROTT, PhD in History, Minister of Education of the Omsk Region.
The agenda included discussions on relevant aspects of interaction and the development of the university system in our region within the framework of cooperation with ANO RLO. Dmitry Yu. GUZHEL spoke about ANO RLO's initiatives aimed at actively involving regions in projects. A program has been developed to reduce the outflow of promising young specialists, allowing university graduates to stay in their regions and actively contribute to their development.
The participants agreed that such cooperation not only strengthens partnerships but also contributes to the formation of a talent pool that will benefit the Omsk Region.
OSMU Press Center