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The Regional Scientific Conference «Burning Issues in Occupational Pathology»

On March 26, the Regional Scientific Conference «Burning Issues in Occupational Pathology» was held for occupational pathologists and chairpersons of medical commissions responsible for conducting preliminary and periodic medical examinations. The event was jointly organized by the Ministry of Health of the Omsk Region, the Medical and Sanitary Unit №7, and OSMU. Specialists from OSMU delivered several significant presentations.
Assoc. Prof. Olga Vladimirovna PLOTNIKOVA, MD, PhD, Chief External Occupational Pathologist of the Ministry of Health of the Omsk Region, Head of the OSMU Department of Occupational Health, provided an overview of the occupational pathology service's activities in the Omsk Region for the years 2021-2023, discussing the challenges, prospects, and introducing new regulatory documents in the field. Following her presentation, Assoc. Prof. Oksana A. PASECHNIK, MD, PhD, Head of the OSMU Department of Public Health and Healthcare Management, discussed contemporary approaches to the health of the working population. Her presentation was complemented by a report from Prof. Stepan I. ERENIEV, MD, PhD, OSMU Department of Occupational Health, who spoke about screening examinations to detect vibrational and noise-induced disorders among workers. Assoc. Prof. Elena V. USACHEVA, MD, PhD, OSMU Department of Internal and Family Medicine, including Postgraduate Training Course, delivered a lecture on unresolved issues in COPD treatment.
Assoc. Prof. Andrey S. KOLCHIN, MD, PhD, Vice-Rector for Postgraduate Education, provided insights into innovations in the additional professional education of doctors and the accreditation of medical specialists.
The discussions and questions raised during the presentations indicated that the issues addressed at the Сonference are pertinent and engender significant interest. Occupational pathology, as a scientific discipline, continues to progress, incorporating the latest scientific advancements, research findings, and technologies into practice.
OSMU Press Center