On December 2, Omsk Regional Clinical Hospital hosted the regional scientific conference «The Burning Issues of Neurology and Neurosurgery» dedicated to the memory of Prof. Yury N. SAVCHENKO and organized by OSMU, Ministry of Health of the Omsk Region and Omsk Association of Neurologists and Neurosurgeons named after Yu. N. Savchenko.
Prof. Yu. N. SAVCHENKO was the chief specialist of the Regional Health Care Department, winner of the State Science and Technology Award, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Honorary Professor of Omsk State Medical Academy. He was the one who affected the establishment of the Omsk Neurosurgical Service and the studying of occupational pathology in the petrochemical industry. Yury N. SAVCHENKO embodied the image of an advanced scientist with a careful and creative attitude to the traditions and precepts of V.M. BEKHTEREV on the complexity of helping neurosurgical patients. The special merit of Prof. Yu. N. Savchenko was the creation of his own neurological school.
The main topics of the Conference were the modern approach to the diagnosis and treatment of neurological disorders, diagnostic neuroradiology, rehabilitation of neurological patients. It was aimed at improving the professional level of knowledge of neurologists, GPs, rheumatologists, neurosurgeons and family doctors by implementing the best practices into clinical practice and as the result improving the quality of medical care.
During the Conference, the emphasis was made on the multidisciplinary interaction of specialists from different fields of medicine. Therefore, along with the burning issues of modern neurology and neurosurgery, the audience learned about the use of the international classification of functioning for making a rehabilitation diagnosis in patients with ACVA and the use of modern physiotherapy in the treatment of patients with tunnel syndromes from the reports of Anna S. ISAEVA, MD, PhD, and Inna A. LAVRINENKO, MD, PhD, both Prof. Assoc. of the Medical Rehabilitation (Postgraduate Course) Department of OSMU.
Igor I. LARKIN, MD, PhD, Prof. of the Neurology and Neurosurgery (Postgraduate Course) Department of OSMU, told about the features of craniocerebral injuries in children, and the Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Galina N. DOROVSKIKH, MD, PhD, Prof. of the Anesthesiology and Intensive Care (Postgraduate Course) Department, dedicated her report to the role of radiologist in the changing world of healthcare, presenting him as an innovator, scientist and teacher. From Konstantin Yu. ROZHKOV, MD, PhD, Prof. Asst. of the Traumatology and Orthopedics Department of OSMU, the audience learned about the new prospects for the replacement of metaphyseal bone defects with osteoplastic materials based on a combination of phosphates and calcium silicates (this scientific work was carried out by the team of authors, including German G. DZYUBA, MD, PhD, Andrey A. ROZHDESTVENSKY, MD, PhD, Sergey A. EROFEEV, MD, PhD, and Anna P. SOLONENKO, PhD in Chemistry).
A number of reports was performed by the staff of the Neurology and Neurosurgery (Postgraduate Course) Department of OSMU. Prof. Valery I. LARKIN, MD, PhD, Head of the Department, presented the exploratory studies of the syndrome of craniocerebral disproportion in the practice of a neurosurgeon. The other reports were made by Alexey G. KALINICHEV, MD, PhD («Correction of ICP in the early period of severe traumatic brain injury»), Igor N. STEPANOV, MD, PhD («The person lost consciousness. Diagnosis and outcomes»), Yury V. LALOV, MD, PhD («Tunnel syndromes in the outpatient practice»), Elina A. MELNIK, MD, PhD («Rehabilitation nuances in the correction of postural instability»), and Olga I. SHESTAKOVA, MD, PhD, on behalf of the team of authors told about the role of high-resolution MRI in the diagnosis of drug-resistant epilepsy in children from the point of view of a neurologist and neuroradiologist.
OSMU Press Center