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The Scientific Conference «Comorbidity in Gastroenterology and General Practice»

On February 28, OSMU hosted the Scientific Conference «Comorbidity in Gastroenterology and General Practice».
In the welcoming speech, Prof. Maria A. LIVZAN, MD, PhD, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, noted the importance of finding a proper approach to the management of comorbid patients, focusing on effective and safe therapy, reducing risks and disease progression. Sharing rich experience of managing such patients will help to develop new clinical guidelines with a high level of evidence. 
Leading specialists from OSMU presented their most recent research, giving rise to a lively discussion. Speakers touched on the most burning issues, including gastrointestinal functional disorders, peptic ulcer disease, liver pathology, H. pylori, management of patients with inflammatory bowel disease, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). 
Prof. Maria A. LIVZAN presented her reports on principles of gastroprotection of comorbid patients, long-term remission as the main goal of GERD therapy, and functional disorders of the digestive tract. These issues were also raised in a report of Elena A. LYALYUKOVA, MD, PhD, 
Prof. Assoc. of the Department of Internal Medicine and Family Medicine (Postgraduate Course) entitled «Dyspepsia syndrome: preventing mistakes», a report of Vadim A. AKHMEDOV, MD, PhD, Prof. of the Department of Medical Rehabilitation (Postgraduate Course), entitled «Current recommendations for the management of patients with GERD», and a report of Sergei I. MOZGOVOI, MD, PhD, Prof. of the Department of Morbid Anatomy, entitled «Chronic gastritis in the focus of the pathologist». 
Prof. Marina F. OSIPENKO, MD, PhD, Head of the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases, Novosibirsk State Medical University, presented her reports on irritable bowel syndrome and deprescribing of proton pump inhibitors. 
OSMU specialists, including Maria A. LIVZAN and Tatiana S. KROLEVETS, MD, PhD, Prof. Assoc. of the Department of Internal Medicine (Intermediate Level) and Gastroenterology, shared their knowledge on current issues of metabolic associated fatty liver disease and non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases. 
In her report, Galia R. BIKBAVOVA, MD, PhD, Prof. Assoc. of the Department of Internal Medicine (Advanced Course) and Endocrinology, told about sarcopenia, and Olga V. GAUS, MD, PhD, Prof. Assoc. of the Department of Internal Medicine (Intermediate Level) and Gastroenterology, presented a report on effects of probiotics on intestinal diseases. 
The final point was set by Larisa I. TELYATNIKOVA, Head of the Department of Endoscopy, «Ultramed» Clinic, and her report on epithelial formations of the colon. 
The Conference once again proved the importance of joint comprehensive discussion in medicine. A multifaceted approach to patients with gastrointestinal diseases increases the effectiveness of treatment. At the end of the Conference, participants expressed their gratitude to speakers for the new useful information on the management of comorbid patients.
OSMU Press Center