The Sino-Russian On-Line School "Innovative Technologies in Dentistry" was held at the Omsk State Medical University on February 20-21, 2023.
This event was organized and coordinated by the International Affairs Department of OSMU and presented the set of lectures by the staff of the Preventive Dentistry Department of OSMU: Prof. Larissa M.
LOMIASHVILI, MD, PhD, Head of the Department, Prof. Assoc. Sergey G. MIKHAILOVSKY, MD, PhD, Prof. Assoc. Lyudmila Yu. ZOLOTOVA, MD, PhD, Prof. Asst. Irina V. ANISIMOVA, MD, PhD, Prof. Asst. Dmitry V. POGADAEV, MD, and Evgeny V. KHOROLSKY, the 2nd-year Resident.
The lecturers shared their knowledge in anatomical and topographic features of teeth, the main methods of dental patients examination, strategies for treatment of the h
ard tissue diseases of the teeth and the oral mucosa, demonstrated photo protocols of the stages of modeling teeth in the field of reconstructive therapy, analyzed clinical cases, and proposed practical recommendations for treatment of diseases of the teeth and the oral mucosa.
The welcoming speeches were delivered by Prof. Yang Libin, Dean of the College of International Education of Harbin Medical University, and Prof. Larissa M. LOMIASHVILI, Dean of the Dentistry Faculty of OSMU. They both mentioned the importance of this School in improving the knowledge of aesthetic and functional dentistry and upgrading the quality of diagnosis and treatment of dental diseases.
The School was held in two days, which included two modules. The first one «Esthetic modeling of teeth» was aimed at improving the quality of aesthetic and functional restoration of teeth based on the author's modular technologies. The second one «Gerontostomatology and diseases of the oral mucosa» introduced the state-of-the-art points of view on the etiopathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of oral lichen planus (OLP). The School was held in two languages, Russian and English, and we want to thank our students for their invaluable help: Valeriya FRIS, Elena LOGINOVA, Vitaly ZYABLITSEV, Ilya BOGATYREV, Daniil VYUSHKOV, Anastasia LESKOVA, students of the General Medicine Faculty, Daria IGNATCHIK, student of the Pediatrics Faculty, and Arina VOLIK, student of the Dentistry Faculty.
OSMU Press Center