On April 12, 2023, the VII Russian National Olympiad with International Participation in Public Health was held in Kazan as part of the X International Youth Scientific Medical Forum "White Flowers".
The Olympiad was timed to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the Public Health Department of the Kazan State Medical University. In total, 16 teams from different parts of the country from Crimea to Bashkiria, as well as 2 teams from Uzbekistan participated in the Olympiad.
OSMU was represented by the students of the 4th and the 5th grade: A.A. ILYUKHINA (captain), I.S. ARTEMENKOV, E.E. SEMYONOVA, V.V. ZYABLITSEV, O.V. VDOVICHENKO, and K.V. NAUMOVA.
The Olympiad included five tasks: a practical task (building graphics and tables, calculating formulas), a theoretical task (a test), a rebus, case solving, and a test for captains.
According to the sum of competitive points, the OSMU team took 4th place.
OSMU Press Center