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Theoretical and practical aspects of child welfare

On March 28th, 2019 there was the Scientific and Practical Conference “Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Child Welfare”. Leading experts from Moscow and Omsk reported on the main issues of pediatrics.
Maria A. LIVZAN, OSMU Rector, welcomed the audience and noted the importance of the Conference as a part of ongoing medical education. After the opening session Olga BOGDANOVA, Deputy Minister of Public Health in Omsk Region, spoke about the results of pediatric service work in 2018 Professor Lyubov KHARITONOVA (Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University) told about modern paradigms of children’s billiard tract treatment.
Professor Vasily DELYAGIN (Dmitry Rogachev National Medical Research Center of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology) presented three reports. Associate Professor Elena PAVLINOVA (Omsk State Medical University) said, “It’s an annual conference being organized by our University together with the Regional Ministry of Public Health. It’s important to address different pediatrics problems. We hope that all information we’ve heard will help primary care pediatricians have a good knowledge of diseases’ diagnostics.”