Today seven Omsk scientists were awarded Grants of the President of the Russian Federation in the fields of medicine, physics and astronomy, technical and engineering sciences, humanities and social sciences.
According to the website of Omsk Region Government, the Rector of OSMU, Professor Maria LIVZAN, was awarded the grant for the development a health-protection technology for the comorbid patients with gastrointestinal disorders based on the compliance control. Olga GAUS, another representative of Omsk State Medical University, was awarded the grant for young Russian Scientists. Alexander BURKOV congratulated the scientists on such a high appreciation by a professional community and noted an enormous contribution of Omsk Region to the development of the scientific potential in Russia.
"This is not a personal victory; this is a victory of the team. It is a huge responsibility when you get so enormous support, it is very important to achieve such result" said Maria LIVZAN, Rector of OSMU.
"I have been developing a preventive personalized strategy for management the patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) for several years," said Olga GAUS, MD, Associate Professor of the Department of Internal Diseases and Gastroenterology. "And I am very grateful to Maria A. LIVZAN, my academic advisor, for the idea and support of the project. IBS is the most common functional gastrointestinal disorder among young people leading to considerable decrease of the quality of life. In some cases symptoms are severe enough to lead to the limitation of patient’s ability to work. Unfortunately, the current National and International Guidelines for IBS treatment are standardized; meanwhile their efficiency does not exceed 25-40% that is why this research is highly relevant. The aim of our work is to increase the efficiency of treatment of irritable bowel syndrome. We expect to use the grant to purchase reagents for laboratory tests and investigations."
Grants of the President of the Russian Federation for supporting leading scientific schools are allocated for a 2-year period to finance basic and applied research expenses. The research should be intended to solve specific problems within the areas defined in the Strategy of Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation. Applications may be submitted in the following fields of science: mathematics and mechanics; physics and astronomy; chemistry, new materials and chemical engineering; life sciences; Earth, ecology and environmental management sciences; humanities and social sciences; medicine; technical and engineering sciences; information and telecommunication systems and technologies; agricultural sciences. The grant size for a leading scientific school is 2 million 622 thousand rubles. The grant size for a young scientist (PhD) is 600 thousand rubles a year, and for a DSc is 1 million rubles a year.