UMNIK-2020 Final Tour was held on November 27, 2020.
Igor V. LUKYANOV, Deputy Minister of Industry, Communications, Digital and Scientific and Technical Development of the Omsk Region, in his welcome speech mentioned an important role of the UMNIK competition for the scientific and technological groundwork of young Omsk scientists, who can develop a high-tech production in the future.
Vitaly V. ALESHCHENKO, Representative of the Innovation Promotion Fund, read the rules of the UMNIK competition.
The UMNIK-2020 Final Tour was attended by 26 participants who presented their projects and answered questions from the Jury Panel about the market prospects of their undertakings, competitive advantages and commercialization models.
Closing the meeting, Vladimir N. DOROKHIN, Head of the Russian Mechanical Engineers Union’s Omsk Regional Branch, wished the participants success in the development of their projects and expressed hope for the possibility of their implementation on the basis of high-tech Omsk enterprises.
All representatives of OSMU won the UMNIK-2020 Final Tour:
Vladimir N. LIPPERT « BioFix Platform Development for improving the quality of biopsy diagnostics in gynecology».
Academic advisor: Prof. Sergey I. MOZGOVOY, the Department of Morbid Anatomy;
Svetlana V. VEREMEEVA «Development of adapted Quick-Liquid technology for liquid cytology based on agar gel».
Academic advisor: Prof. Assoc. Oksana V. LAZAREVA, the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department №2;
Egor A. KHOROSHKIN «CogniTEST software development for self-diagnosis of the level of cognitive fatigue».
Academic advisor: Prof. Sergey I. MOZGOVOY, the Department of Morbid Anatomy;
Andrey D. KHOMUTOV «Development of the device for optimization of functional MRI of TMJ».
Academic advisor: Elena Yu. KHOMUTOVA, Head of the Radiodiagnostics Department.
OSMU Press Center