On April 5, 2021, the Directorates of the Innovation Promotion Fund approved the list of projects submitted for funding under the UMNIK Competition.
There are four representatives of OSMU among the winners:
Svetlana V. VEREMEEVA «Development of Adapted Quick-Liquid Technology for Liquid Cytology based on Agar Gel». Academic advisor: Prof. Assoc. Oksana V. LAZAREVA, the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology №2;
Vladimir N. LIPPERT «BioFix Platform Development for Improving the Quality of Biopsy Diagnostics in Gynecology». Academic advisor: Prof. Sergey I. MOZGOVOY, the Department of Morbid Anatomy;
Andrey D. KHOMUTOV «Device Development for Functional MRI Optimization of TMJ». Academic advisor: Prof. Yury T. IGNATIEV, the Department of Radiodiagnostics;
Egor A. KHOROSHKIN «CogniTEST Software Development for Self-Diagnosis of Cognitive Fatigue Level». Academic advisor: Prof. Sergey I. MOZGOVOY, the Department of Morbid Anatomy.
Our congratulations to the winners! We wish you further success!
OSMU Press Center