Three OSMU representatives are among the winners of the UMNIK-2021 Competition:
- Elena POSTERNAK, 6th-year student of the General Medicine Faculty «Development of the formalin-free biological tissues fixative». Academic advisor: Prof. Sergey I. MOZGOVOY, the Department of Morbid Anatomy;
- Ilya KOROTKOV, 5th-year student of the General Medicine Faculty «Development of the device for closed-chest cardiac massage». Academic advisor: Prof. Assoc. Tatiana P. KHRAMYKH, the Department of Topographic Anatomy and Operative Surgery;
- Ekaterina OVCHARIKOVA, 3rd-year student of the Dentistry Faculty «Development of the simulator for the rehabilitation of cognitive functions in patients with neurological disorders». Academic advisor: Prof. Assoc. Natalia V. SEMENOVA, the Department of Health and Safety, Disaster Medicine.
Annually in Russia, about 300,000 people die from sudden cardiac arrest. The project of Ilya Korotkov is aimed at increasing the efficiency and safety of indirect heart massage by creating a special technical device for it. Taking into account the anatomy and physiology of the thorax, the idea of using an anatomically adapted compression pad was created. The future project plan includes developing, designing, and testing a prototype together with medical equipment manufacturers, and also resolving law and technical issues related to the invention development with the further introduction of this device into clinical practice.
Ekaterina Ovcharikova’s project is a simulator with a software package that should help patients with neurological disorders to restore cognitive functions by training both separate cognitive functions and general daily skills (memory, attention, visual perception, speech, executive functions), develop compensation strategies for impaired functions, and provide training with the use of external compensatory devices. According to Natalia V. Semenova, the academic advisor of this project, the need for this invention appeared because after suffering a COVID infection and its complications, many people of different ages struggle with cognitive impairment. Today, the healthcare system is overloaded, and there is no way to provide proper rehabilitation to all patients. The developed simulator will make it more convenient for the patient and allow them to undergo rehabilitation at home with instant feedback on the results of the completed tasks.
We congratulate the winners and wish them further success!
OSMU Press Center