Directorate of the Innovation Promotion Fund submitted for funding in the framework of the UMNIK-2022 Competition eighteen projects. Five OSMU representatives were among the winners:
1. Marina B. KAZAKOVA, 2nd-year Resident of the Obstetrics and Gynecology №2 Department «Development of an electronic assistant in the treatment of women with postpartum endometritis after C-section». Academic advisor: Oksana V. LAZAREVA, MD, PhD, Prof. Assoc. of the Obstetrics and Gynecology №2 Department.
2. Nikolai A. KIRICHENKO, 3rd-year PhD Student of the Epidemiology Department, Junior research assistant of the OSMU Research Laboratory «Test system project for real-time PCR: “NETOS-polymorphism”». Academic advisor: Alexander N. ZOLOTOV, MD, PhD, Prof. Assoc. of the Pathophysiology Department, Senior Scientific Researcher of the OSMU Research Laboratory.
3. Eugenia I. KLUCHNIKOVA, 2nd-year PhD Student of the Pathophysiology Department «Development of precision diagnostics technology "implantation window" for increased efficiency of the in vitro fertilization procedure». Academic advisor: Prof. Assoc. Irina V. SAVELIEVA, MD, PhD, Head of the Obstetrics and Gynecology №1 Department.
4. Polina O. PAKHTUSOVA, 2nd-year Resident of the Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics (Postgraduate Course) Department of OSMU, research assistant of the OSMU Research Laboratory «Development of a diagnostic test system for enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay “Netoz-test”». Academic advisor: Dmitry G. NOVIKOV, MD, PhD, Prof. Assoc. of the Biochemistry Department, Head of the OSMU Research Laboratory.
5. Anastasia E. PUKHA, 5th-year student of the General Medicine Faculty «Development of universal histochemical staining technology to improve the quality of biopsy diagnostics of GI-tract diseases». Academic advisor: Prof. Assoc. Sergey I. MOZGOVOY, MD, PhD, Prof. of the Morbid Anatomy Department.
We congratulate the winners and wish them successful implementation of their projects!